Friday, 31 May 2019

Research proves Midwestern fish species lives beyond 100 years

Research recently completed at North Dakota State University has proven that the Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus), a fish native to North America, lives more than eight decades longer than previously thought. The study published in Communications Biology documents several individuals more than 100 years of age, with one at 112 years, which more than quadruples all previous age estimates for this species. In addition, many populations were documented to be 85-90% comprised of individuals more than 80 years old, suggesting unsuccessful reproduction since the 1930s. The Bigmouth Buffalo is now known as the longest-lived freshwater teleost (a group of approximately 12,000 species) and the oldest age-validated freshwater fish (a group of about 14,000 species).

* This article was originally published here